2011 m. sausio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Winter in Lithuania

Winter in Lithuania associated with lots of snow and cold weather. Sometimes the temperature can drop down to as -25 or even -30 degrees below zero! There are just a few days like that, but when all schools close and people are recommended to stay in home. Childrean go sleigh-riding, build snowmen and play in the snow, or go for a walk to park or forest with their parents. In Lithuania very often snowfalls. In winter rare you can enjoy frosty trees. Winter is definitely the most magical time of the year in Lithuania.

Winter in America

Winter in America is hot and sunny. People go to sea and lake. They are sunbathing and swimming. The temperature ranges from 15 to 25 degrees Celcius. Americans are celebrating Christmas is not only to cold as Lithuania. In some American cities are snow and there are cold weather. One of such city is New York. There are snowfalls, cold and windy.